
Occasionally our suppliers are unable to deliver to us on time and we cannot fulfill your order for certain items. You will be advised of any out of stock item when you place your order. Item(s) not available may be put on backorder at that time. However, we do not place items on backorder unless you specifically request it.

U.S.A. Customers

Backordered items are shipped directly to you as soon as they become available.

If the backorder is shipped and then refused, you will be responsible for all freight charges (this includes C.O.D. fees and insurance).

International Customers

When backordered items become available, there are two options:

The backordered item(s) will be held and then added to your next order. OR The backordered item(s) can be shipped immediately, but the order total must meet the minimum of $500.00 (U.S).

Freight charges for backordered items are the responsibility of the customer.

If you place an item on backorder but decide later you do not want it, please notify us.

Merchandise Return

Merchandise received damaged or defective may be returned for a refund or replacement.

U.S.A. Customers

Please contact us for an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) Number.

Any item returned to Blue Ridge Knives, Inc. must have an RMA number.

International Customers

Please contact us to arrange the return and/or replacement of the damaged or defective merchandise.

All returns must be received within 30 days of the invoice date.


U.S.A. Customers

Please call (276) 783-6143 for information regarding the return of broken or defective items covered under factory warranty. We will be happy to assist you in these matters; however, some manufacturers require the consumer to send damaged items directly to them.

International Customers

Please call 001 276 783-6143 or Email for information regarding the return of broken or defective items covered under factory warranty. We will be happy to assist you in these matters; however, some manufacturers require the consumer to send damaged items directly to them.


Non-defective merchandise returned to us for any reason will be subject to a 25% restocking fee.

This policy pertains only to merchandise returned to us in its original condition and within 30 days of the invoice date. Items received after 30 days will be rated at our discretion.